Our program is available as a service to residency programs.
Currently, our program is not available to individual residents unless their residency programs subscribes.
The yearly cost for our program is $1,500 per residency spot.
For example, a program with 3 residency spots each year (12 residents total in the residency) would pay $4,500 each year for all 12 of their residents to have access to the program. Enrolled residents can audit any lecture and take any on-line exam, irrespective of their year of residency. Further, all residents may attend the 4-day ABR Core Exam Review for free!
We are happy to extend a 15% discount to military programs.
Residents will also receive a discount to purchase Dr. Huda’s book Review of Radiologic Physics 4th ed which is used throughout our program.
Contact Dr. Sensakovic (Bill@TeleradPhysics.com) with any questions and to subscribe to our program.